Update ahead of Sunday’s fixture - due to operational challenges faced by forecast high winds for this Sunday we have taken the decision to reschedule all planned ‘Countryside Family Day’ entertainment to Saturday 8th March. The race meeting will still go ahead on Sunday with 7 races as planned.


Update Following The Government’s Announcement


14 December 2021

All guidance applicable for fixtures and events taking place from 15th December until 28th January 2022, when we expect the next Government update.

Following the latest announcement from the UK government on Wednesday 7th December 2021, only customers attending fixtures and events with crowds of more than 4,000 people will be required to provide a Covid Pass. This means no upcoming fixture at Hereford is impacted and customers ARE NOT REQUIRED to provide a Covid Pass to attend. 

Currently a Covid Pass is not required at any fixture, as we will ensure our upcoming events will not go over the 4,000 capacity. We recommend customers book their tickets in advance to ensure they can attend and avoid any disappointment. 

Your safety is our priority and all events will be run in accordance with the latest government advice and guidelines. We encourage all visitors to behave responsibly and follow our guidelines below:

Attending Safely

  • Face Masks: Face masks are recommended to be worn in all inside and crowded areas. These are no longer mandatory but are recommended for the safety of your fellow racegoers. Face masks are available at the racecourse but we advise staff and customers who wish to wear one to bring their own.
  • Sanitising Stations: Racegoers should maintain regular hand washing and sanitising using the on-site stations. Please bring your own pocket santiser if possible.
  • Lateral Flow Tests: Although not mandatory, we encourage all attendees to carry out a Lateral Flow test before attending fixtures and events. Please do not attend if you have any COVID 19 symptoms and get a PCR Test straight away.
  • Social Distancing: Please be respectful of all racegoers and mindful of everyone's personal space and boundaries.
  • Card Only Bars: All bars and food outlets are cashless and will be accepting card and contactless payments only. On-course bookmakers will still be accepting cash. As there are no cash machines on the racecourse, please bring cash with you if this is your preferred payment method with bookmakers.

We ask everybody to work together along with our staff and stewards to ensure a safe and thoroughly enjoyable event for all.

Still got a question? Please check out the detailed FAQs:

What about staff, will they be wearing a face covering?

As with spectators, face masks are recommended to be worn in all inside and crowded areas. These are not mandatory so are to be worn at the discretion of the employee. 

There are stricter mask protocols for sports participants and staff working in protected areas. Please click here for more information.

What facilities will be on course to help with sanitation? 

We will continue to provide stations for racegoers to sanitise their hands, with alcoholic hand gel stations and wash basin facilities provided. We also request that customers bring their own pocket sanitizer gel where possible. 

Can I purchase extra tickets on the day?

Yes! Online tickets remain open during each fixture and can be used to purchase tickets on the day of racing. You can also buy a ticket on the gate. We recommend customers book their tickets in advance to ensure they can attend and avoid any disappointment. 

Will the raceday experience be as it was pre-Covid?

We have been working hard alongside the Government, local health authorities and safety groups to safely allow racegoers to return. We are confident that racegoers will enjoy a familiar environment with all of the usual elements that are loved about a raceday: seeing elite thoroughbred racehorses and elite athletes, fantastic food & beverage choices and a variety of betting options. We ask that racegoers remain considerate of their fellow racegoers and respect the environment that they are in for the enjoyment and safety of all on course.

For other FAQs, such what to wear, how to find us and what to bring, please click here.

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