Update ahead of Sunday’s fixture - due to operational challenges faced by forecast high winds for this Sunday we have taken the decision to reschedule all planned ‘Countryside Family Day’ entertainment to Saturday 8th March. The race meeting will still go ahead on Sunday with 7 races as planned.


Reservoir Update


10 September 2018

The reservoir continues to progress, with the lining works commencing this week.  Thankfully the forecast is not for strong winds, as this can make it harder for the lining to be laid.  However, there has been a slight delay to works.  

One of the conditions of the planning consent was ecology related and a wren's nest with eggs was found in the middle of the reservoir when excavation started.  The works had to cease until the eggs had hatched and chicks flown their nest, which happily they did 10 days ago.  

Contractors have since worked hard to recover lost time and the reservoir remains on schedule for works to be completed by the start of the season.

A new borehole has been drilled with water successfully found, and testing commences in the near future.     

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